Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning and welcome to a regular week at the Garden School.

No field trips this week! We are looking at leaves, and children are encouraged to bring in unusual leaves…we are making a leaf collection for the school library. We do not want a huge assortment. One a day will do, and we will save only those for the collection.

This week we are trying out a new food: baked squash. We will stuff the squash with bacon and rice and use a cheese sauce. We are experimenting with different kinds of meatballs and this squash will go with turkey balls.
We use a charting system to encourage children to eat their meals. This week, a child must finish his milk and his lunch or breakfast to get a sticker.
We are still collecting for the nursing homes in Boonville that we will visit on Halloween. Please be generous and donate items you would like to have if you were all alone in a nursing home and no one came to see you or bring you the things you need!
It will be chilly this week, and children are encouraged to wear jeans and short sleeves and bring a light jacket. Please do not send hats and mittens with children yet. It is not appropriate clothing yet.
Please check your child’s medal. It could have lots of new things on it, and your child should be able to tell you what each new bead and bauble designates.
As usual, payment is due on Mondays.
If you have not paid your field trip fee, now’s the time!
Have a glorious week!