Monday’s Tattler – The Northern Hemisphere

So this week we will look at another part of the world…the Northern Hemisphere with an emphasis on the Temperate Zone. I have to remember that our focus is on the five year olds. Threes are there to observe learning. The fours are learning to learn and the fives are learning and telling us what they’ve learned. This allows the Threes the freedom to explore but not the obligation of things too hard for them. The fours are filled with curiosity and participate nicely, but they are often not there, and that’s OK. Their time will come.

Trying to convey an abstract idea of space to a child who really can’t grasp the globe and world as a thing they are standing on is always fun. So talking about its parts takes not only a creative mind, but also some fancy footwork, some humor and a lot of yeahs!
So today we will embark on three specific areas: North America, Europe, and parts of Asia.
On Friday, we will be having our annual International Feast. This is a lunch starting about 12:00 for all parents who can come. Invitations will go out today. Parents bring a serving for about four to school of a dish that is not a USA original dish. Examples? Spaghetti, curry, egg rolls, sushi, beef Wellington…
Everyone is welcome, and we do this at lunch time so more parents can come. If you can’t come but would like to participate, you can send something with your child.
The weather is supposed to be a smorgasbord of hot, cold, rainy, sunny, dry, wet…all week. We will get kids out when we can.
Have a great week!