Monday’s Tattler

It’s the last week of Geography, and we will be going to a Chinese restaurant this Friday. A post card will be going home with your child on Monday. The cost is $10.00.

We have had a really nice geography session this year. The kids have learned a lot. This last week we will be studying the Equator and three areas of interest: the Middle East including Egypt, the islands, including a luau, and India. Such fun places.
The weather will be up and down the thermometer and will include some rain. This is perfect illness weather. Please keep an eye on your child’s throat. Lots of strep out there.
We are working hard on our arithmetic, our reading and our writing. Spelling tests are to see what kids can do. It’s a project with a plan. Kids should study, but they are still very young.
We are doing a new discipline routine with kids. When someone does something that affects his classmates or the school, we bring it to everyone’s attention. Disruption and disobedience is not just an individual case, but a case against the whole group. We hope this will help keep medals and allow children to flourish.
If a child is warned three times to quit a pernicious behavior, he will not be allowed to participate in the activities of the children who have contributed positively all day. It’s his choice to participate or not by his behavior and his communication with other students.
We know this will benefit the whole group.
Summer sign up is next week!
Have a great week!