Monday’s Tattler for June 11!

It’s a classroom day today. We are practicing making sentences, writing what we build out of words and then illustrating it.

These writing and drawing sheets will go home at the end of the summer as a keepsake.

There are hundreds of words for every child to choose from. Every Monday and Thursday we add about a hundred more. The project is to read the words and choose them to make a sentence.

Reading class is side by side art class. Children will be drawing something wonderful.

We are learning several songs in Music class. We are learning Lonely Goatherd and the verses to Take Me Out to the Ball Game. We are learning a poem about tree toads, and we are singing Noah and I won’t grow up.

We will feast on muffins for breakfast with fresh bananas and milk.

Lunch will be a lovely spaghetti with meat sauce, and fresh fruit and salad. It’s a yum!

In the afternoon we will begin the movie Pipi Longstocking. This is a learning by listening activity. We hope the children enjoy movies they have not seen.

Snack will be frosted spice cupcakes.