Monday’s Tattler

Good Morning!

A great rainy day…just the day to get some work done at school on the play. Lots to do, lots to do!

This Friday we will be having our play. It is at 3:00 p.m. Children have costumes and will be beginning the first act promptly at 3:00. Every child is expected to have an adult at the play.

The Garden School is a group activity place, and we work as a team to produce these plays. Everyone plays a part and as a result, every child’s role is important. Please remember to check your child’s lines this week.

We are not passing out candy during lent. Children receive candy and prizes during Lent that goes into a little bag at the back of the school. When they go home for Easter on Holy Thursday, the candy they have earned goes home with them in their Easter baskets.

Questions? Ask a teacher. Have a great week!